Advent Window

05.12.2024 - 05.12.2024
17:00 Uhr - 19:30 Uhr


Come and open our Advent Window, decorated by the children of the APEMS of Prangins and sing with two choirs: Prangins en Chœur and the Chœur Lemantica, and launch our month of Christmas activities.

17:30 - Visite éclair de Noblesse oblige! - Le confort au 18e siècle - En français
18:00 - Quick guided tour of Noblesse oblige! - Comfort in the 18th century - In English
18:15 - Sing Christmas Carols with Prangins en Chœur
18:35 - Sing Christmas Carols with Chœur Lemantica

Mulled wine and Christmas cookies offered in the courtyard of the Château.

Happy holidays to all!


Free admission
Avenue Général Guiguer 3
1197 Prangins